Arulmigu Chakrapani Swami Temple
Sri Chakrapani Swami Temple dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu, located near Mealcauvery, Kumbakonam around one and half km from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
This temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and appears in the form of a discus or Chakra. The images of Chakrapani with eight arms and Sudarshanavalli Thayar with a gracious visage are inspiring. Like Shiva, Lord Chakrapani has a third eye on his forehead. Brahma, Surya and Agni are depicted as worshipping the Lord.
According to legend, Sudarshana Chakra, the discus, is the most powerful weapon of god Vishnu. He once sent his weapon to Patala Loka to kill the demon Jalandasura. The weapon is believed to have come out of the Patala Loka through river Cauvery. God Brahma, who was taking bath in the river, got impressed and installed the image of Sudarshana here. The temple is noted for its exquisite pillars. There is a bronze image of king Serfoji II worshipping the lord as he is said to have been cured an illness by the grace of this God.

Chakrapani Temple attracts devotees who are mentally or physically weakened by illness or problems. The special fire ritual called Sudarshana Homam, Thirumanjanam and Sahasranamarchana are some special pujas held in this temple. Sun God surrendered to Lord at this holy place. Hence, those facing problems due to planetary movements in their life, undergoing the seven and half year Saturn period and the rule of planets Rahu and Ketu are advised to pray to Lord Chakra Raja.



Dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Sudarshanavalli Thayar

Around 1.5 Kms

MORNING – 6:00 am – 12:30 pm

EVENING – 4:00 pm  – 8:00 pm

The temple is noted for its exquisite pillars. The presiding deity, Chakrapani is sported with eight arms, each having a weapon and is housed in the central shrine in an elevated structure. Chakrapani is sported with a third eye on his forehead.

Thirumanjanam is a vedic ritual performed at the Chakrapani Temple to get rid of all Navagraha Doshas.

Arulmigu Aadhi kumbeswarar Temple,
Adi Kumbeswarar Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, located in Kumbakonam and around Two and half km from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
One of the biggest temples in Kumbakonam, It sits on around 4 acres of land, with a 300-foot-long tunnel leading to the temple. This temple has to have existed before the 7th century because some of the Thevarams on this Lord were sung at that time. Shri Mangal Ambika and Shri Adi Kumbeswarar are the presiding deities. This Lord is said to be responsible for the town’s name. The Kumbam being swept away by floodwaters and eventually resting in this location. According to the temple’s sthala puranam, the Lord appeared as a hunter, fired an arrow, and smashed the pot. Kumbakonam is roughly translated as Jug’s Corner since the Jug (kumbam) landed here. The Lord smashed the Kumbam, and the nectar floated into two tanks: Mahamaham and Potramarai. The Lingam is created by the Lord Himself, according to the Sthala Puranam. It was not created by mankind or Devas.

The Lingam is wide at the base and narrows toward the summit. No abhishekam is conducted because the Lingam is composed of sand. Ambal Mangalambika’s shrine is located on the left side of the main temple. This is a Paadal Petra Sthalam (sung by Appar and Sambandar), as well as a Shakthi Peetam, and the Ambal is also known as Mantra Peeteswari Mangal Ambika. According to the sthala puranas, Shiva bestowed 36 crores of His Mantra Shakthi power to Ambal, in addition to Her own 36 crores, making it a one-of-a-kind temple with 72 crores Mantra Shakthi power. As a result, she is known as Mantra Peeteswari. This temple outer prahara has an important shrine called as Kumba muni Siddhar.


Adi Kumbeswarar temple

Dedicated to Shiva and Mangalambigai 

Around 2.5 Kms

MORNING – 5:30 am – 12:30 pm

EVENING – 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This temple is associated with the genesis of life, it is believed to contain immense cosmic power, and the power to rejuvenate humanity. Lord Shiva bestows on his devotees, the spiritual power to tide the challenges of life.


SRI RAMASWAMI TEMPLE dedicated to Lord Rama, located in Eraharam, Kumbakonam and around Three Kms from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
The temple was built during the period of Thanjavur Nayaks king Achuthappa Nayak (1560–1614) and completed during the reign of Raghunatha Nayak (1600–34). The temple is enshrined within a huge granite wall and the complex contains all the shrines and the water bodies of the temple. The rajagopuram (the main gateway) has five tiers. There are exquisite sculptures on the pillars of the temple depicting various Hindu legends. Ramayanam is depicted in pictorial format in three segments in the first precinct.
Ramaswamy Temple, in Kumbakonam is also called Southern Ayodhya, located on the banks of river Kaveri. Shri Rama and Mata Sita are seen in sitting position on a single peetha.
Vigraham is made of saligrama Sila, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrugna standing nearby. Hanuman can be seen here in a sitting posture with one hand holding a Veena and Ramayana book on other hand. This is also the only temple where Bharata and Shatrughna can be seen along with Shri Rama, Sita Devi and Lakshmana.
Sthala Puranam says that vigraham in the temple were found in a temple tank in the near by village. Inner walls are decoratedwith Ramayana paintings. In each pillers beautiful sculptors can be seen which is made using single stone
It is believed that people who face obstacles in their wedding, prays to get relieved from all doshas as Shri Rama and Mata Seetha appear in their Pattabhisheka Kolam.


Dedicated to Lord SRI RAMA and SITA DEVI

Around 2.5 Kms

MORNING – 6:00 am – 12:30 pm

EVENING – 4:00 pm  – 9:00 pm

The central shrine houses the image of Rama in a seated posture with his consort Sita. The other images are of his brothers Lakshmana, Bharatha and Chatruguna in standing posture and Hanuman in worship posture.

The temple, a dedication to Lord Rama is a special place of worship for people having trouble getting married. This is the only temple where Lord Rama and Sita are placed in the same platform. Another specialty of this temple is that while Hanuman appears reading the Ramayana all other Vaishnava temples, he is holding a veena in this temple.

SARANGAPANI TEMPLE dedicated to Lord Vishnu, located in Kumbakonam and around Three Kms from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
Sarangapani Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu, located in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. It is one of the Divya Desams, the 108 temples of Vishnu revered in Nalayira Divya Prabandham by the 12 poet saints,/ Alwars. This temple is along Kaveri and is one of the Pancharanga Kshetrams. This temple is regarded to be one of the oldest temples in the area and illustrates a mixed style of the different ruling patrons over the years such as the Cholas, Nayaks of Madurai and the Vijaynagar Empire. The temple tower or the main gateway of the temple is known as Rajagopuram and has a staggering height of 173 feet making it the tallest temple tower in all of town.


History Of Sarangapani Temple
According to the Hindu legends it is believed that Sarangpani who is a deity form of Lord Vishnu appeared for a sage called Hema Rishi. He appeared to this sage as a reward for his penance on the banks of the Potramarai tank. The sage was performing penance so that Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu would be obtained to him in the form of his daughter. The Lord was pleased and goddess Lakshmi emerged from the Potramarai tank amidst a thousand lotuses and was named Komalavalli meaning “one of emerged from lotuses”.
It is said that Lord Vishnu descended from his home called Vaikuntam to earth in a chariot drawn by elephants and horses to woo Lakshmi and marry her. The god had descended to earth as Aravamudhan and stayed near the Someswaran temple till he married Lakshmi.
The name Sarangapani (“one who has the bow in his hand”) derives from the Sanskrit word Sarangam meaning bow of Vishnu and pani meaning hand.The temple follows Pancharatra Agama and Vadakalai tradition.






Dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Koamalavalli Thayar

Around 3 Kms

MORNING – 7:00 am – 12:00 pm

EVENING – 5:00 pm  – 9:00 pm

It is also the Pancha Ranga Khestras – one of the five sacred temples dedicated to an avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Sarangapani blesses the devotes in his reclining form under the vaideeka vimana tower above the sanctum sanctorum. Lord graces from the sanctum sanctorum along with Mother Koamalavalli daughter of Sage Hemarishi and Mother Mahalakshmi. Lord is in Udhyoga Sayana posture, which means the Lord Vishnu appears as though he is getting up from his sleeping position, while Lord Brahmma is found above his naval and Sun on the head side

Sri Nageswaran Temple
Located in the Kumbakonam and around Three Kms from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
The Nageswaran Temple was built by Aditya Chola in the 9th century and is a great marvel of architecture, building technology and astronomy. The temple is built in such a way that it allows sunlight to fall on the sanctum only during the months of April or May for three days. Devotees from all over the world come to seek blessings of the deity on these days. The presiding deity is revered in the 7th century Tamil Saiva canonical work, the Tevaram, written by Tamil poet saints known as the nayanars and classified as Paadal Petra Sthalam.
Tirugnana Sambandar, a 7th-century Tamil Saivite poet, venerated Nageswarar in ten padigams in Tevaram, compiled as the First Tirumurai and second Tirumuari. Appar, a contemporary of Sambandar, also venerated Nageswarar in 12 padigams in Tevaram, compiled in the Fourth, fifth and sixth Tirumurai. Sundarar, the 8th century Nayanmar revered Nageswarar in seven padigams, which is compiled in Seventh Tirumuari. As the temple is revered in Tevaram, it is classified as Paadal Petra Sthalam, one of the 275 temples that find mention in the Saiva canon. The temple is counted as the 52nd in the list of temples in the northern banks of Cauvery. The temple is counted as one of the temples built on the banks of River Kaveri.
This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva in the form of Nagaraja, the serpent king. The inner sanctum has a huge lingam. It is believed that the temple derived its name because a serpent was found worshipping the lingam. Nageswaran temple is world renowned for its architecture, including intricate works on its pillars and outer walls. The temple consists of three gopurams and a five tier Rajagopuram.


Mother Brugannayaki and Nataraja Sabha are on the right side of the central shrine. The Nataraja Sabha is aesthetically designed in the form of a rath drawn by two horses and 4 elephants as in the case of Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram and Sarangapani temple in Kumbakonam. The 12 cross wires of the wheel are said to represent the 12 zodiac signs. The other noteworthy feature is Mother Sivakami is playing the Tala to the dance of the Lord Nataraja and Lord Vishnu playing the flute feasting the eyes of the devotees. 


Sri Nageswaran Temple

Dedicated to Lord Shiva and Periya Nayaki Thayar

Around 3 Kms

MORNING – 6:00 am – 12:30 pm

EVENING – 4:30 pm  – 9:00 pm

Lord of the temple is a swayambumurthy. The rays of sun fall on the Lord on 11, 12 and 13 of Panguni in March.
Devotees pray in this shrine between 4.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. the Rahukala time on Sundays for relief from all ailments.
Located in the Kumbakonam and around Three Kms from Kumbakonam Inn Stay.
The temple is located near the banks of the Mahamaham tank in Kumbakonam and is built in Dravidian style of temple architecture. It is believed that the temple had been incarnated by the hymns of the Tevaram, the first seven volumes of the Tirumurai and it is classified as a Paadal Petra Sthalam, which means it is one of the greatest temples of Lord Shiva on the continent. The temple has been referred to in the Tevaram written by Saint Poets Thirugnana Sambanthar and Thirunavukkarasar in the 7th century.
This temple is also known as Nava Kanniar Temple. Nine rivers- Ganga, Yamuna, Naramada, Saraswathi, Cauvery, Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra and Sarayu- were believed to have worshipped this Lord as Nava Kanniars ( maidens ). As per legend, the nine holy rivers pleaded with the Lord at Varanasi to reduce their burden as they were washing away the sins of the bathers. The Lord advised them to take bath in the Mahamaha Tank in Kumbakonam and pray to him there. Hence they took the form of maidens and performed Pooja here. The Lord and the Mother came down from Varanasi to remove their sins. The Varanasi connection is reinforced by the names of the Lord and the Mother- Kasi Viswanathar and Visalakshi. The navakanniyar in this temple are the 9 holy rivers. It is believed that the mahamaham function is closely associated with the 9 presiding deities namely Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Saraswati, Kaveri, Godavari, Tungabhatra, Krishna and Sarayu.

Sri Ram worshipped Kasi Viswanadha and obtained a garland of ‘Rudhraksha’ the seed is produced by several species of large evergreen broadleaved trees in the genus Elaeocarpus, and is considered as the sacred beads for prayer in Hinduism meaning the eye of Lord Shiva on his way to quell Ravana according to the temple history. The Kshetra Maalingam, which was also worshipped by Lord Rama is located in the northeastern Prakaram of the temple. It is believed that the lingam grows with time. Situated right beside the Mahamaham tank, the temple is avisual treat for the eyes and the mind.



Dedicated to Shiva and Mangalambigai

Dedicated to Shiva and Visalakshi Thayar

Around 3 Kms

MORNING – 6:00 am – 12:00 pm

EVENING – 4:00 pm – 8:30 pm

This is an important temple connected to the story of Kumbakonam and the Mahamaham festival.
The significant feature in the temple is that Mother Durga isfacing Lord Chandikeswara. The temple has shrines for SapthaMadhas, Lord Bhairava, Sun, Moon, Mother Jeshta Devi,Lingodhbava, Sri Anjaneya, Mother Mahishasura Mardini andLord Dakshinamurthi.
People pray here for girls not attaining puberty in time, forremoval of obstacles in marriage proposals and for cleansingfrom sins.

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